
In our treatment, we will generally use a combinations of techniques from different types of bodywork styles. We will look at the body as a whole, trying to identify the cause of pain, as well as dealing with the symptom, while taking a Somatic approach. For example in reoccurring hamstring injuries there may be an imbalance in the pelvis. Working on the hamstrings may reduce tension in the short term but will not deal with the issue and injury.

Our aim is to have all elements of the musculoskeletal system working in unison and to calm the nervous system, therefore injuries can heel faster and you can get on with what you enjoy.

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Amatsu Therapy

Amatsu therapy is a modern adaptation of a soft tissue therapy that has been used for thousands of years. It is based on ancient Japanese principle of natural movement and can be used to help many musculo-skeletal and lifestyles related conditions, as well as supporting the restoration of general health and well-being.

Visceral Manipulation

Visceral Manipulation is a bodywork technique that is a gentle and light therapy. Developed by world-renowned French Osteopath and Physical Therapist Jean-Pierre Barral, the work focuses on the ligaments of the organs in the body and their ability to move freely. VM helps to release fascial restrictions in the abdomen to encourage normal movement and function of the internal organs.

Structural Integration

Structural Integration focuses on the connective tissue, or fascia, that wraps around and is the body. Fascia surrounds bone, muscles, groups of muscles, blood vessels, organs, and nerves, binding certain structures together while permitting others to glide smoothly over each other. Fascia is designed to be elastic by lengthening and shortening. Physical stress such as injury, surgery and repeated strain can cause the fascia to become tight and more dense. This tightening pulls on the muscular skeleton system and causing pain, tension, fatigue and postural dysfunction. This treatment is best done in a series of four, over four to six weeks.

Sports & Orthopedic Massage

Sports & Orthopedic Massage helps to restore range of motion of joints and strengthen muscles by restoring muscle health and releasing restriction in joints. This is a pain free treatment approach to relieving pain and bring balance and health back to the body. Not just for athletes! T-shirt and shorts are recommended.

Cranial Manipulation

Cranial Manipulation is a gentle therapy that involves manipulation of the 8 cranial bones. It is a deeply relaxing and subtle therapy, that can help to decrease back and neck pain and improve in the treatment or chronic headaches and migraines.

Clinical Somatics

Clinical Somatics is a therapy that focuses on the body-mind connection. It is a form of neuromuscular therapy that re-patterns the brain, from learnt behaviours, by gently regaining awareness of the central nervous system, through slow mindful movements.

The term somatic was coined by Thomas Hanna in 1976. He was a philosophy professor and movement theorist. He called his work Hanna Somatics. He believed that most dis-ease of the body was due to what he called Sensory Motor Amnesia (SMA).

Comfortable clothing recommended.

Deep Tissue Massage

Deep tissue massage involves applying slow, firm pressure to reach deeper layers of muscle and fascia (the connective tissue surrounding muscles). There may be some discomfort, during the break down of scar tissue or working on ''knots'' or adhesions, that can reduce range of motion and cause pain.


Aromatherapy oils are used in every treatment to improve the health of body, mind and spirit.

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